Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21
What does it mean to be completely invested in our relationships? Does that mean that we will try to have relationship with another only until they reject? If we are completely invested in our relationships, wouldn’t we give endless attempts of extending our loving hands in compassion and support? I believe Jesus is ‘all in’ with us. Jesus will never give up on us no matter how many times we run away from his arms, shut our eyes from his miracles, or plug our ears from God’s Word. I also believe that Jesus calls us to be ‘all in’ with him. If Jesus is ‘all in’ with our relationship, I believe we are called to be ‘all in’ with our relationship with others.
I am convinced that relationships are a huge part of what God created us to do in life. God has relationship with us by sharing compassion and support. Therefore, when we share compassion and support with one another, we are sharing God. Sharing compassion and support with one another is how we fulfill God’s plans for us. Oftentimes we think of starting relationship so that something might happen in return that will benefit us. For example, someone my say, “I want to have a better relationship with my neighbor so that they will become a Christian.” This is a great idea if we only love our neighbor if they are a Christian. What would it be like if we loved our neighbor because we are Christians? I would argue that the relationship is not the means to an end, but it is the end. It is not the avenue to coerce or persuade others to believe a particular truth or idea. The relationship itself is what God is after.
In what ways are you feeling called today? Are you interested in being in an ‘all in’ relationship with your child, mother, neighbor, or church youth? Do you feel called to be ‘all in’ with God? Talk to somebody about what this idea sparks in your mind. Talk to a pastor about what it means that Jesus is ‘all in’ with us. If you are so led, ask pastor Gabe how you can mentor a youth in this ‘all in’ type of relationship building. Blessings on the journey!
-Pastor Gabe